Black players

Now, please dont misunderstand me i mean nothing racist by this question, im just curious. Nearly all the players on the team were black. Why is this? Is it because the social system in America is still so pro-white that its hard for a black person to get a job other than sport?

history is a battle fought by a great evil,struggling to crush a small kernel of human kindness


the best players play no matter what
block people could find jobs but not many pay better than football and if they good enough to play then why not


Yes, the evil white racist society forces poor black people to become millionaire professional football players.

Its basicly modern day slavery- can you imagine the plight of those poor black young men- having to run around catching and throwing footballs for only a few million dollars a year? Horrible. Racism is truly alive and thriving in the US.
I personally blame the President. Hes a white guy, right?


You're a genius right? The US president is black therefore no racism exists in the country. Nice one!


Im curious as to what country the OP is from?

There are a lot of black athletes in the NFL. There isnt really a good explanation as to why. Thats just how it is.



Now I actually find your post somewhat amusing (not laughing at you)
though to answer your question honestly I find that so many of the
pros in the NFL happen to be black athletes and ditto with the
many young and talented players being drafted each year from colleges.
Now look at the NBA and again with the exception of the Phoenix Suns,
the majority of basketball pros are primarily black players. Now in
major league baseball, many of those players happen to be white
though there are many blacks in MLB among all of the teams along
with many talented pros from the Caribbean and Latin American.
Note* the majority of Spanish speaking baseball pros hail from
the Dominican Republic and Venezuela. And in the National Basketball
Association, the Phoenix Suns are the lone franchise which
historically has had more whites than blacks playing in that city.
The Suns were an expansion team in 1968 and their white pros
have always outnumbered blacks among all of the other NBA teams
in the history of this franchise.

Lawrence Sunny California

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


NHL are racist then.. how many black do you have in NHL :)


Here's a couple of reasons:

1. Most black people in the US are descendants of slaves. When slave owners picked the africans to come with them, the strongest ones were picked. So Black people today have their ancestors athletic genes.

2. Like the OP said racism is still an issue. A lot of black might feel like sports are the only way out of the ghetto.

3. The most controversial: Black people have better fast-twitched muscles. So they're just more athletically gifted.


1. Most black people in the US are descendants of slaves. When slave owners picked the africans to come with them, the strongest ones were picked. So Black people today have their ancestors athletic genes.

2. Like the OP said racism is still an issue. A lot of black might feel like sports are the only way out of the ghetto.

3. The most controversial: Black people have better fast-twitched muscles. So they're just more athletically gifted.

The implication that all blacks come from the ghetto is pretty offensive. While there are plenty of poor blacks, the average African American (not new African immigrant) is not relegated to ghetto living anymore, esp in the USA. Increasingly those neighborhoods are reserved from recent Carribbean, South Asian, Eastern European, African, and Latin American immigrants. For proof, you don't need to look much farther beyond last year's NBA draft.
#1 Anthony Bennett was black Jamaican immigrant and grew up in an immigrant section of the city with an RN Mom from Jamiaca - in CANADA though not African American
#2 Victor Oladipo was black, but grew up well off in Maryland the son of a doctor and a nurse
#3 Otto Porter was black, grew up in rural MO from a family of pro-ballers, middle class life
#4 Cody Zeller was white, grew up rural middle class in Southern Indiana
#5 Alex Len was white from Ukraine, grew up in poverty in former Soviet
#6 Nerlens Noel was black from an upper-middle class suburb North of Boston, went to school in rural NH
#7 Ben McLemore was black, from an ultra-hood suburb of St. Louis, our 1st of the draft
#8 Ken Caldwell-Pope was black, from a mostly white town in rural GA, middle class
#9 Trey Burke, mostly black, son of 2 college athletes, grew up middle class if not better
#10 CJ McCollum, black, grew up in middle class Canton OH, not sure about his background
#11 Michael Carter-Williams, half white black, grew up wealthy in northern MA
#12 Steven Adams, grew up poor in NZ, half Tongan, half British
#13 Kelly Olynyk, white Canadian, middle class
#14 Shabazz Muhammed, black American, from a family of pro athletes
#15 Giannis Antekuonompo black but from Greece
#16 Lucas Noguiera mixed Brazilian from the ghetto in Brazil
#17 Dennis Schroeder mixed German and African from Germany
#18 Shane Larkin mixed white black American, son of MLB all-star Barry Larkin, rich
#19 Sergey Karasev white Russian

Ok, I'm done killing time at work, but I think I made my point. It seems that if anything, whites and immigrants who play in the NBA are more likely to have grown up poor, while blacks from middle/upper class background seem to consider the NBA an option. Not sure why that is, but it's pretty obvious if you look at whose coming into the league over the last decade.




I don't think he said all black people were from the ghetto. So no idea where you got that from.
Research has conclusively shown That the majority of black people have more fast twitch muscle fibres. Therefore are better at sport.This ranges from a breeding process dated back thousands of years to Africa. Only the quickest and most resilient tribesmen ate for example
Kenyans and ethiapians are brilliant at long distance because they catch their food by running it down. Gazelle antelope etc overheat if they run too far. So the tribesmen over the years used a tactic of simply running after them till the animals died of exhaustion,if you couldn't perform this task for the pride,you were excluded from eating and kicked out the tribe and most likely died,it's called selective breeding

In the instance of jamaicans. Most of them came from africa,they were deposited in jamaica by the British empire. Most often only the strong and fit would survive the journey where they were required to row and surive off pickings.Therefore those with the most efficient muscles,metabolisms etc were the ones to have children,while the ones with say thyroid problems died. (hence underactive thyroids tend to be a hugely white problem). It has been shown that and entire species of butterfly can alter it's colour through selective mating in 50 years and in 4 generations you can turn a group of all red foxes into red and white ones by selectively breeding in using only males with white tails(dominant allele).

It's thus no surprise then that after 400 years or so of UK slave trading with another 100 or so from America that Black people are dominant at sports requiring physical prowess.


Kenyans and ethiapians are brilliant at long distance because they catch their food by running it down.


I *Literally* CANNOT Stop Laughing. You made my stomach hurt, and tears come out of my eyes, and my sides hurt.

Oh, MAN. OhmanomanomanoMAN.

"Personally I hope they make all the gods black and change it from Valhalla to Valholla!"


What's with all these overly long responses to this stupid thread? Geez, this is so silly, the OP clearly has been living under a rock. Most pro football players are black, and its reflected in this movie. Duh, end of discussion


The OP is from Ireland and probably has never seen an American football game.


Come on. Why does everything have to be about race? Why didn't anyone question, why there was only one known black player in Major League and Major League 2? I think Little Big League had at least 3 blacks for the Twins.

The only color sports pays more attention to is green.

"You wake up everyday hoping you can go sleep and wake up the next morning."


Thank you gvb! I don't know anything about the NFL. Ive seen clips of American football but im not a sports person so it wouldn't interest me

history is a battle fought by a great evil,struggling to crush a small kernel of human kindness


... the OP clearly has been living under a rock. Most pro football players are black, and its reflected in this movie. Duh, end of discussion
Of course all posters are from the USA and interested in the NFL.

She was simply making an observation and asking a question.

I'd be careful about what you label as being "stupid"...genius.
