MovieChat Forums > Any Given Sunday (1999) Discussion > Oliver Stone's best and most under-rated...

Oliver Stone's best and most under-rated film

Let me first just say I'm not really a fan of Oliver Stone at all. I've seen a few of his films and they just didn't impress me at all. Even the Oscar winning Platoon. But I loved Any Given Sunday and not many other people seem to be with me. Is it anyone elses fave movie of his?

If you piss in your pants you can only stay warm for so long


i'm with you! this is his masterpiece.

"We will hunt like animals, but we will not become animals"
-Daniel Craig


yeah this is one of the best movies ever made


Best? Platoon.
Most under-rated? Not this.


"Best? Platoon.
Most under-rated? Not this."

Dead-on accuracy there!

(I still liked ANY GIVEN SUNDAY though)


Best? JFK, Natural Born Killers, Platoon

Most Underrated? Salvador *by far*


"Most Underrated? Salvador *by far*"

Most definately!


Oliver Stone is really overrated...this is the only one of his movies that really works for me

Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.


Its probably my favorite football movie, but there isnt that many good ones to choose from.

It feels like there is an absolute masterpiece somewhere in here, but the movies flaws hold it back (only a tad, for some like me.....but others find the film REALLY offputting).

I don't really like a lot of the actors (Diaz and LL are particularly terrible). I think its overlong. The lack of an NFL license is a little bothersome (man there was some crappy uniforms). Certain elements of the films seem WAY too heightened.

but, somehow, its a movie I really like to think about. like I said, theres a masterpiece under the surface.


I concur! Any Given Sunday is my absolute favourite Oliver Stone film although I dont particularly consider myself a fan of his - but the man shows some great chops in a lot of his films. Any Given Sunday is criminally underrated and easily one of the best films of the late 90's and as a sports film it's a masterpiece on all levels.

"No one gives it to you. You have to take it."


horrible film. the replacements is better


ehhhh.. i dig most Oliver Stone movies, and i liked this movie. But i don't think its his best by any means.

maybe you guys like this movie more than his others because its focus is on football, and maybe your just really into football.

but the reason i will go on to say that this is no where near his best film would have to be because of all the goofs and what not through out the film. even a scene where you can see a crew member in the back round... im sorry but a great director should catch little errors like that. maybe some of the goofs were intentional who knows, but things like that keep this movie from being GREAT imo.

and as most football movies, he seemed to rush through the games almost montage style, i would have liked to see some more big hits, and cool plays and what not.

i probably could have gone with out ll cool j as well.

" I intend to live forever......So far, so good."


I am the LAST person to have any interest in football what so ever. But then again I live in Australia and that sport isn't played here. Instead we play Rugby League. Basically the ENTIRE COUNTRY is obsessed with it, or atleast state of origin which is a special game played once a year. I haven't met one person who doesn't watch it. But I just never got into the sport at all. Everyone thinks I'm weird because of it. Yet I still liked this movie alot

If you piss in your pants you can only stay warm for so long



Don't take this in a wrong way, but you never having an interest in football makes your opinion obscure. What I have found is that people who have never played football really like this movie. But this sir, this isn't a football movie. Lets make a list, there is an eye popping out, Barry Switzer, a big meaty Kawk(that was just unnecessary, Stone has issues). The production of the movie was half assed at that. Did you ever notice the score boards? Check them out and see whats wrong with them. And instead of picking any random stadium they pick out one of the most recognizable stadiums in the country. And wtf is up with the logo of the opposing teams? And to top it off I have to hear that the speech Pacino gives is so great, when it has nothing to do with football what so ever. Lambardi's speech is a football speech. If you want to watch something dark and edgy like this I recommend ESPN Playmakers Season 1, cancelled after the first season because it was too raw, and made the NFL uncomfortable, it was that good.

Playmakers puts Any Given Sunday to shame.


Salvadore - Best, most underrated. Will change your life.




This is a very good film no question, but in my opinion, "Nixon" is Stone's masterpiece.


Agreed, Nixon is my favorite.
