American Football

The idea of fat men dressing up in shoulder pads and helmets to roll around on the floor together chasing an egg shaped ball still seems ridiculous to the entire world outside the United States.


Uhh.. I'm pretty sure the NFL has been doing pretty good in London, and from what I've heard there is a lot of demand from other countries.


I live in London. I'm pretty sure it isn't doing well here.

Best film ever made? The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.


The majority of people in London are pussies.


It's a decent sport, but it's not even half as great as its xenophobic American fanboys think it is.

A bunch of fat blokes pushing each other over before one guy runs really fast and catches a ball is not chess.

If you want tactical complexity in a sport then cricket is what you're looking for.


I love this game and have devoted well over 20 years to it either through playing or coaching.

That said, it certainly isn't for everyone. Americans love it. Some other places like it. Most don't care. I have never found it boring at all.

But in all fairness we really aren't that into soccer and would consider it very boring but the rest of the world raves about it so to each his own right?


I think the film was primarily targeted at the North American market, but I don't feel you have to be a gridiron aficionado to appreciate that it's a pretty well made film about various machinations occurring inside a large commercial sporting franchise.


Wow, a reasonable reply on the internet!


Cricket...even the name connotes toughness, manliness, and a heroic game!

May I have a spot of tea after the match, you sticky dog, you!

Cricket: it's like spending a day watching a fly make its way up the drapes.


Crickett? Really? Lol.

Football is like chess on grass. It's purely strategy.


As a "soccer" fan/player I would say I would never play American Football myself.
The game however with the tactics and all the statistics is very interesting, much more complicated then soccer anyway.

That was real? I saw that movie, I thought it was bullsh*t


Football is a game of individual plays. Think of it like poker rather than chess. It's about reading the opponent which includes both the players and the coaches. Imagine poker with giant people smashing each-other as they play.

Remember, they wear the pads so they don't die. Without the pads, they couldn't hit as hard and you couldn't enjoy the numerous life threatening, career ending injuries.

"What it was, was football..."


By the OP's original description it makes it clear that he's never actually seen a football game or that's what it sounds like. To me I feel like there's more strategy involved in one play of football than a whole game of soccer.

Herbert West: Who's going to believe a talking head? Get a job in a sideshow.



I'm not American so this is a hard film for me to get into but you think they're fat? Lol.
