
Why did Kennedy almost fire on the Soviet ships? I paid very close attention when I watched this movie but I still can't really piece together why he did that. If someone could explain it to me that'd be great. I know a lot about the crisis so there's no need to explain that to me. Just that particular part. Thanks.

Its better to burn out than fade away.


If you "know a lot about the crisis," then you should realize your question indicates you do not. Perhaps you could refine it or provide a context?

Oh, my God! They're turkeys!


Well thanks for being an ass. I actually remembered shortly after that.

Its better to burn out than fade away.



You're welcome.

Oh, my God! They're turkeys!


"Oh, my God! They're turkeys!"

Wow, a WKRP reference, props.


With all due respect to the original poster, they were not firing on that ship- firing means attacking it. They were firing starshells over it.


With no respect to the original poster, I note that he/she said "almost fired" and "ships." That's why I didn't think he/she was referring to the scene you describe. The wording of the post indicates he/she may have been looking for an explanation of the broad strategic or tactical situation. But it was so vague, I couldn't tell.

And then he/she turned out to be such a jerk that I didn't care!


please insert signature here


There was a scene where JFK did order the Navy to bring the Soviet Sub to the surface when the blockade was first shown.

The firing of star shells above the Grozny was not ordered by Kennedy, as McNamara pointed out. Firing on the sub with the intent to have it surface WAS ordered by JFK according to the movie in a direct order from JFK to the Commander of the Pierce.

They did not fire at that point because that is when it was reported the ships were turning around. However, on JFK's orders they were about to.


Wow, could you be any more of a douche? That is a legitimate question.

