Second to the Worst

This movie is perhaps second to worst film ever. "Out of Africa," comes in first place.My brother still gives me grief about this movie for suggesting
this movie when it first hit the movie theatres. It's been 7 years since it has been released, and he still gives me grief about it. I haven't seen a movie starring John Travolta just because of this rotten movie.


I enjoyed this movie, I don't know what you're talking about. However, you're entitled to your own opinion.


yeah that is true you are entitled to ur own opinion. But this is the only movie I like Travolta in. Other than this film I cant stand his acting.


Perhaps you missed out Face/Off? He was great in that movie, along with Nicholas Cage.

But of course, you are entitled to your own opinion.


Yeah that is true. I totally forgot about that movie. That one is better than this one. So I guess that makes two. lol.


It is pretty horrible and boringly predictable. I figured out who the killer was very early on. I read an early draft of the screenplay... and the killer was different than in the book and than in the final movie... and I still figured it out early. It's very puzzling that Goldman had anything to do with the screenplay, it's pretty inept. The cast did the best they could with the material... except Travolta who was less than believable in the lead. One of the main problems with his character is that he's supposed to figure out all these clues, etc. himself, but I didn't for a second believe that he was capable.
Don't waste time on this movie.


My, such a clever little child. What does this mean, that the measure of a good movie is whether or not it can keep you guessing? So much for direction, acting, editing, and all those other over-rated aspects of film-making, hmm?


Aha. Funny. Actually,for a mystery the ability to keep the viewer guessing can be pretty important. If you'll reread my earlier post you'll note that I mentioned that the acting (at least Travolta's) was less than good in my opinion. Considering that Travolta played the lead character, his performance could be seen to be pretty key. And the direction and editting left much to be desired. The measure of a movie is often how all these aspects work together. For this movie, I found them wanting.
Obviously, you liked the movie. Good for you. But you don't have to be defensive and try insulting someone else simply because they didn't like the movie.


Sounds to me like you didn't even see it.
