I saw the movie again last night on TBS and I have a few observations:
1.) If the Captain didn't rape her, why would DNA on underwear scare him?
2.) They REALLY needed more military advisers for this flick.
3.) James Woods was the mos creepy gay guy ever.
4.) Only a few people noticed a tied up naked woman?
5.) There is NO way any soldiers, male or female could get away with sleeping with that many people for that long. Everyone knows everything about everyone.
6.) The Colonel was the biggest Uncle Tom EVER.
7.) Where were the rest of the women?
8.) Does West Point really have live fire exercises of that scale and danger?
9.) If she was such a good soldier how the heck did she get seperated fromm her unit?
10.) Even if the General wanted her to keep quiet there is no way it wouldn't have gotten out: the guys that found her...the hospital employees, etc.