Fav scene

I haven't seen this movie in a while. My favorite scene has to deal with Robert Moore(any scene), Fowler(any scene, that guy was tence) and Gen. Joe Campbell(how he's painting and ajusting his army men when Brenner and Sunhill are in the mine feild and his last scene). Tell me your fav scenes.


*possible Spoilers* I liked it when john travolta was talking to the general and he said sir i said i would find the son of a b!tch i never expected it to be you*end of spoilers*.the way he delivered the line was classic

J rawk


Classic. I forgot about that whole scene. I loved it to. Prob because I love James Cromwell's acting. And who can say they haven't like John's acting.


when the cat wipes blood on the window after Col. Robert Moore kills himself



I just liked the interaction between woods and travolta...

It's a tragedy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcChzrv9cEo


I seriously doubt that Moore committed suicide. More likely, he was killed -- by none others than Col William Kent himself.

As for my favorite scene, I would opt for the scene where Liz was shown in the video tape, engaging in BDSM activities. Lovely.


all the scenes with jt talkin' with uh southern accent.

It's okay, honey. I...I was just talking to the cornfield.


When Brenner was talking to Chief Yardley and said all he was missing was the mirrored sunglasses. Made me think of his role in 'Brother, Where Art Thou?' where he wore mirrored sunglasses, mimicking 'Cool Hand Luke'.
