MovieChat Forums > The General's Daughter (1999) Discussion > Is having an affair a court-martiallable...

Is having an affair a court-martiallable offense?


I'm curious. I noticed Sunhill threatening one of the officers who was involved with Elizabeth on court martial and prison if I'm not mistaken. Is it an offense in the military?

I don't know why they had Sunhill and Brenner have a past affair in the movie. It made no sense what-so-ever and it ruined the chemistry for me. I usually dislike romance that involves someone cheating on someone. Could have done without it.

<<-- Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest -->>


Yes it is against the rules of conduct but it isn't in the UCMJ it's prosecuted under the general order so facing an actual military court is rare unless it creates a scandal in the media or on base. It is a pain in the ass to prove intent under the general order (134) so they offer a lot to get you to cop to it and move on.

During most incidents people are stripped of pay or rank for a short time or assigned a real pain in the ass duty for awhile. But yes, in cases where it is severe or repeated it gravitates up to dishonorable discharge and/or military imprisonment.


Conduct unbecoming of an officer is an offense in the US military. Affairs fall under that category.

Sundill and Brenner have a past, but I don't think it was an extramarital affair. I believe they were lovers once and no longer. It added to the sexual tension of the movie.


but I don't think it was an extramarital affair

It was an affair. She said so in the movie that Brenner was the other man. He was under the assumption she was cheating on him but the truth was that she was cheating on someone else with him.

<<-- Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest -->>


No she said she was engaged to the other guy and Paul was her bit on the side. She wasn't married.

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


He asked the question but she never answered. She was engaged though during the affair.

<<-- Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest -->>


He asked her something among the lines of 'So did you end up marrying him?' and she didn't answer. Which means that she wasn't married during that period.


Yes she wasn't married but she was engaged to the guy. That's what I said.

<<-- Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest -->>
