Depiction of S+M practices

The movie doesn't explicitly say it, but one could get the impression that all people who engage in such games must have some sort of damage, some unresolved trauma or daddy issues. Stefanson's character seems to have turned to S&M as a way of dealing with her rape experience. Whether or not it's just part of her mind games, one gets the impression that a sane, regular person would never engage in such practices.
That's a complete load. If there are such people, they must make up the smallest percentage of the S&M sub-culture. I know several people who are into S&M, and like me, they all didn't have some horrible experience in their past that somehow changed them. I for one have memories of liking things like bondage going back to my earliest childhood, long before I even knew what sex was. I eventually learned that most people don't tick that way. But some just do. There's nothing sick or sinister to it.


Yes, I agree, SD. One could also get the impression that rape victims become nymphos like the title character also to deal with the experience. Ah, well, at times those things happen, but it's all make-believe, anyway! The movie was terrific, in my book.


Well put! :-)

It's always show as either damaged people or done for comedic effect, in which case it's always the guy tied. Heaven forbid it be the girl or the pc thought police Nazis will cry about how you're "exploting her."


Ugh. Don't get me started on the whole "exploitation of women"-thing. Two consenting adults, he likes being dominant, she likes being dominated (or "exploited" if you prefer). Everyone is happy. It's neither rape nor immoral.
I happen to agree with most of the feminist mindset, total equality and all, but please don't confuse bedroom behavior with the real world.

If the tables are turned and he likes being dominated and she's the aggressor (which, believe it or not, happens a lot more frequent than the other way around), is it the exploitation of men? Should Men's Rights groups cry out because these women are sexist oppressors? For some reason everyone agrees THAT is ridiculous...


I heart you for writing this. To me one of the major points of feminism is the right to choose, if I want a man to tie me up and treat me mean then that's my business and noone should have the right to make out its a bad/sick/wrong thing.
Surely a woman empowered enough to be comfortable enough with her desires and kinks whatever they may be is what all true feminist should be aiming to be?

Reminds me of that episode of Family Guy where Gloria Ironbox is sneering a Lois for being 'merely' a housewife like it's a bad thing to want to look after your family. Apparently we're not really choosing anything if we're not a men bashing, hard arsed, workaholic donimatrix that barely acknowledges they have a womb/maternal instict. *rolls eyes*

People that get bothered by depictions of consentual bondage of women should stop making problems where there are none and go and do somthing worthwhile like helping the victims of the sex trafficing industry, as in people that really are being totally and utterly exploited.


Isn't the motto 'Safe, sane, Consensual.'

Either way is damn hot.


I found this debate very eye-opening. I always thought that women who allowed themselves to be dominated in the bedroom were degrading themselves and i confess i had a low opinion of them. But the people here with well-thought out and intelligent agruments have changed my mind. Thank you

history is a battle fought by a great evil,struggling to crush a small kernel of human kindness
