Should the AJ role have gone to David Faustino instead?
shareNo. Iller was great.
shareDidn’t Bud Bundy suffer enough humiliation without being a pussy spoiled suburban boy?
They each played great in their respected roles.
Too old to play a grade school kid when the Soprano's debuted.
True, but he could have played an older brother to Meadow - high school aged. A.J. didn't need to be 12.
But high school aged sons of mobsters normally have it figured out whether they will engage in the family business or not by then. I figured they wanted him preteen so it would be a plot point for a few seasons. Will he or won't he become a mobster?
If anything, I think a high school age character might be better if they wanted to explore the "will he or won't he".
How so? Usually things such as stealing and what you are going to do to get a girlfriend are figured out by high school with boys. Guys seldom change course once in high school or so my recollection tells me. Girls tend to be late comers in terms of character but the mob is definitely a male oriented enterprise.
shareHow so?
OK with your personal explanation but I think the Godfather was done in a way to bring in Al Pacino more than just portraying the son of a mobster.
The book was already written, so the character wasn't aged specifically to bring in Pacino. In the book, Michael was a young man who had already served in the armed forces in WWII.
Wouldn't he have been too old?