What happened to her? During the early seasons ie 1-early 3 she looked really hot! Then....she wore too much make-up, chewed gum like she was chewing her face, really bad hairstyles.... I understand Chris beat her up and what not but, what were the make-up artists and whoever thinking??
They weren't thinking. Few were thinking fashion-wise during this period in American history.
But her looking worse and worse as the series wore on could also be a byproduct of snitching on Tony and his crew. If someone pressured me into talking to the FBI behind Tony's back I would look real bad as well.
The FBI killed her as sure as Silvio did. With all of the people they had cooperating already, they needed to ruin her life? I hated that female agent.
Oh for the love of...It has nothing to do with being from Jersey. I'm from Jersey btw. It was just bad costuming and makeup that made her look awful. Plus if I recall she was a druggie. Snookie is not even Italian. She's from Chile.
I always thought she looked good but that couldve been a by product of her drug lifestyle and her life falling apart with chris and of course bad make up department.
The show became more gritter as it went on, the lighting became darker, and in addition to the characters ageing, they were noticeably wearing less make up than in the first two seasons. Look to Janice as an example.
I'm guessing she had to have mannerisms that fit her character. Christopher was no rocket surgeon so it sort makes sense he'd have a gum-chewing Jersey broad for his gal. (For the record, in real life I really dislike seeing adult women chewing gum.)
It’s definitely from the stress of being an informant. Remember the scene when she’s at the doctor with her mother and they’re discussing how she can’t sleep anymore and that she has been looking terrible lately from the lack of sleep and her stomach/digestive system issues. Plus she drinks and does drugs, which she had been increasingly abusing as a way to cope with being an informant, feeling guilty and constantly worrying if she will be found out and murdered/tortured.