What is the meaning of Denzel saying "My N___" all through the movie?
I never got that.
Was there a hidden context behind it?
I never got that.
Was there a hidden context behind it?
For real, my... man? :D
Always found it so amusing how he kept saying that to Hawke's character - a white boy if there ever was one.
You want something corny? You got it!
I think it was done partly for comedic effect - Hoyt was an uptight white boy, and Alonzo kept calling him "My N*****". It made me laugh anyway. Also to express his approval of Hoyt, to show that he was earning his "street cred".
shareI worked with a black dude who used to call me his n-word and I’m lilly white. He is the example I know of though.
I don't think that's true. I've heard Hispanic people call others "sp*c" and homosexuals call others "f*g" and "d*ke".
I disagree. It's used in the same way that blacks use the n word with each other.
The anthropologist could be wrong. A linguist may be better source.
shareWhat anthropologist are you talking about? What a dumb thing to say. It’s a common tactic to take an insulting word and take the power away from it by using it as a familiar term. Women call each other their bitches, gays call themselves and each other queer . . . It’s actually really smart. If you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em.
Excuse me? I only KNOW that phrase from my fav movie PULP FICTION, when Marcellus Wallace hears that Vincent Vega (Travolta) is in his club, talking to Butch (Willis), and he says off-screen: "Vincent Vega in the house? My ni**er! Get your ass over here!"
So I always had to think of that scene when hearing it from Denzel all the time!