
1) It's acceptable to make a movie where the characters speak English in a time and place where they wouldn't speak it. However, there has to be consistency. MIGUEL has a British accent, while the other Spaniards have American accents. Now, I don't mind the idea that the natives of El Dorado speak English too, but it was odd that the guys weren't surprised when they heard them speak for the 1st time. Also, how can they understand TULIO & MIGUEL's slang? Wait! Why are they using slang in the 1st place?

2) They hired Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio to write the script? And Hans Zimmer, Tim Rice and Elton John to write the music? Were trying to replicate the success of ALADDIN and THE LION KING? That would explain why the IT'S TOUGH TO BE A GOD number copies the "playing drums while changing colors" moment from the I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO BE KING number.

3) Have the natives never seen an armadillo? Can't they tell one apart from a ball? Also, why are TULIO & MIGUEL worried that they'll be caught cheating? The fact that the ball moves on its own shows that they're using their god powers. Not to mention that they ride a horse during the last minute of the game (I assume that's against the rules).

4) TZEKEL-KAN wanted to challenge the guys into proving their god powers (so he could expose their lie). Could he not come up with a more practical way than using dark magic to bring what's basically a giant weapon and then terrorizing everyone? Why not just walk up to them in the street and ask them to do something? That way, he wouldn't be seen as a villain.

5) Didn't Kevin Kline and Kenneth Branagh learn anything from their previous movie WILD WILD WEST? Don't include a giant mechanical animal in the last part of a story where it doesn't belong! It makes even less sense here!

6) When he chose to stay in El Dorado forever, didn't MIGUEL consider that he would get old, which would expose him as a mortal?

7) THE CHIEF knows they're not gods, but everyone else don't. Don't they wonder why CHEL is going with TULIO in his journey?

8) At the end, TZEKEL-KAN yelled "Wait, wait!" while the Spaniards were taking him away. At no point did he try to yell the truth? It's not like "A collapse! The city is behind the rocks!" or even simply "Turn around!" (to see the heroes) would've taken enough time for CORTÉS to interrupt him again.

9) Even TULIO doesn't listen to his own advices. Remember "Lay low"? That's what the heroes needed to do at the end instead of riding the horse. The Spaniards are still near enough to hear them.
