the *fat* sister?

Ok - caught this movie a little late. Didn't see it from the start. Why, oh why is the younger sister called fat? She even says she's fat - I don't see it - did I miss something? Where is this "blubber"?

(And they wonder why young girls have body image issues...)



shes preagnant lol watch the whole movie next time!!!!!!!!!


Lol! I wasn't talking about the main character - I was talking about her younger - NOT PREGNANT - sister. Read the whole post next time.


Haha. In TV land I think if you weigh more than 100 pounds you are fat and gross.I thought the "fat" sister was just right and probably didn't weigh much more than 100 pounds and even if she did, that's no big deal. As long as you're healthy. And I think the family convinced the younger sister that she was fat so she was having self esteem problems along with being the "fifth wheel" of the family. No wonder she left home!


I think that Rachel (the 'fat' sister) sees herself as the odd one out, the fat, unpopular one, because she's not like Tina, who you see is their father's favourite and is on the soccer team...You know, 'the Golden Girl' of the family...I think it's supposed to show the rivalry between the sisters and how the real 'Rachel' (based on a true story) felt when she found out her sister was pregnant. Just my interpretation...


I agree with you and maybe since this movie is based on a true story, the sister in real life was fat, but they didn't get a fat actress to portray her. The sister was no where near fat. She looked fine. I think they emphasized her weight issues to show sibling rivalry like you mentioned.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


so in all of America they couldnt find a fat person to play her? about an oxymoron!


Well, they might have done it on purpose. The girl, Julia Whelan, wasn't stick thin. She definitely wasn't as thin as Kirsten Dunst started out, so that just gave Tina a reason to tease Rachel. It probably hurt more because it wasn't even true.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


The younger sister had an injured leg that had swollen up and was walking around on crutches.. She said she felt big because of it. After it healed Tina told her she looked thinner, and the younger sister told Tina she looked thinner after she gave birth.


I think it's just implyed because u see her munching on this and that through out the movie. And yeah, she kinda gained a bit of weight towards the middle of the movie. but no, if being skinny means ur as tiny as Kirsten Dunst, screw that. All of us would be fat then! Well idk, she has kidna put on the weight in past couple years.


I honestly didn't think it was meant to portray an American view of what's thin or fat...I think it was done to portray sibling rivalry. They competed throughout the whole movie for attention and really, I've heard countless siblings (on TV and in real life) tease one another about weight when neither are "fat." Furthermore, I think Tina's character was a little preoccupied with weight and appearance. She called herself fat many times, even in the early stages of her pregnancy when she was actually the size of a normal girl...she kept referring to herself as "fat"--being pregnant doesn't equate to being fat.

