Religious zealotry: Creating teen moms?
There was a line in this movie that I thought was fascinating. Park Overall's character remarks about Tina not knowing enough about sex-ed or "sin" to not get pregnant. Ironically, I believe religion actually contributed to causing Tina becoming a teen mom.
Regardless of the whole "sex is bad" preaching done in religion, most teenagers are going to experiment with sex; it's just human nature. I can, however, understand and accept that preaching. What I think is incredibly socially irresponsible, though, is teaching young people that practicing safe sex is a sin. I couldn't believe my ears when Tina says something like, "My pastor says using a condom is a sin because it shows you were planning to have sex." Do real churches actually teach that garbage in the age of HIV and AIDS?!
Tina says that using a condom is considered sinful, an abortion is sinful, and adoption is out of the question because her mother "will not have her children or grandchildren raised by total strangers." So, basically, because of one stupid mistake she made while not even old enough to drive, she has, in essence, immensely handicapped (if not ruined) her life. It's like sending a 14 year old to jail for life for shoplifting: kids do stupid things without thinking, they shouldn't be condemned for life for doing them.
To top it all off, I found myself chuckling at this family's so-called piousness: The parents are divorced and the siblings, instead of supporting and comforting their sister in her time of need, provide "How will I show my face around town?" taunts and insults.
So much for "The family that prays together, stays together."
"I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it." Edith Sitwell