Where to read more about this film...
I have never seen Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny. Reading the user comments here I don't know whether to be glad or sorry. It probably isn't a tenth as much fun as reading what everyone else has written about it. There seems to be something about this film which stirs certain people to extraordinary heights of wit and eloquence - which I don't think the film itself has.
I come here basically to read the comments and laugh, for many of them are very funny. If anyone else enjoys doing that, I have a link for you. The Agony Booth has a detailed summary of this film, complete with illustrations, which you can see at http://www.agonybooth.com/santa_bunny/. I read right through it, and I can see that the film is much, much worse than the comments make it sound - but the article itself made me laugh until I cried, over and over again. If you like reading the comments here, go to it.