MovieChat Forums > Fight Club (1999) Discussion > What would Tyler think of this current g...

What would Tyler think of this current generation?

Tyler's head would explode if he saw the current generation of SJWs, liberals, emasculated men, etc.... It's probably past the point of no return.


Given that Tyler, under that layer of anarcho-pseudo-philosophy crap, really is a violent terrorist fascist, yes he would hate peaceful liberals, SJWs, weak men, etc etc.

What the film shows us really is how the vulnerable modern, liberal capitalist society is to a strong charismatic leader with a plan.


People like Tyler would find something to hate in every generation.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


If there is something wrong with today's generation, boomers and Gen X are to blame. The Oompa Loompas knew what they were talking about. So... bravo on admitting your fault in ruining the world. Douche.


Tyler's head would explode if he saw the current generation of SJWs, liberals, emasculated men, etc.... It's probably past the point of no return.

You hit the nail on the head.

Don't Click This I dare You >>>👊


"Tyler" isn't real so it doesn't matter.

When there's no more room on the internet, the dumb will walk the earth.


I don't really see why he would be againts that to be honest. I feel he is more likely to dislike conservatism and the growing right winged populism.


I don't really see why he would be againts that to be honest. I feel he is more likely to dislike conservatism and the growing right winged populism.
Tyler, like me, would have nothing but contempt for both modern conservatism AND modern liberalism.


I think his message would only resonate stronger given half the country treats the entire male population as disposable.


Not really
