Well, there are many different possibilities.
1) FBI is pretty powerful, it can do pretty much anything it wants. Someone that has been long working there, knows how to use the corruption of that alphabet gang to their advantage, to mold anyone's life in any way they damn well please. This means trouble for Hector, who is probably going to go to prison for some trumped-up charges or maybe he is going to mysteriously 'disappear', or framed for murder or drugs or or or or..
..let's just say an FBI agent is in a more powerful position than some insurance guy with a silly moustache.
2) Why would Thib.. hm.. I am not even going to try to spell that. Why would the FBI agent guy care? He got his WEALTH, he can do whatever he wants, he doesn't have to hold on to some crummy agent desktop johnny job. He is FREE, he can buy a villa in south France and live as a lord for the rest of his days in luxury and gravy train.
3) I actually had something here, but forgot. Such is life.