The Gum

CZJ placed gum on the sensor to hold it.

Ummm.. why?

Doesn't the gum have her saliva (DNA) on it? Connery must been an IDIOT in the film if he allowed her to do so.


Without a DNA database or a suspect, that won't do them much good. I'd be more worried about the fingerprints smudged on the door opener to the computer.


Without a DNA database or a suspect, that won't do them much good. I'd be more worried about the fingerprints smudged on the door opener to the computer.- ebert jr

None of that would matter because the FBI would have known all along who stole the mask.


But Mac didn't know that the FBI knew, and Gin couldn't let him know that they knew, so it was a big mistake on both of their parts.


Are you guys getting worried by a simple gum or details that really don't comes to mind? Well, I don't regret that maybe you're right but despite all of the goofs that the movie could have is an Excellent movie I don't get tired of watching it. Is Incredible. Don't u think?


Thanks for pointing out something that's openly listed in the goofs. I am surprised they didn't just use blue tack or something similar. It would have been more logical.


Yeah, but not as 'funny' or as easy to....transport

"There ain't no justice in the world and there ain't nothing you can do about it,"- Velma Kelly


Speaking of goofs in the movie, it should have said "a year, & 'so many days' to the millenium", instead of "so many days" to the millenium! You don't start counting objects with zero, so why would you count years that way? The year 2000, although the "rollover" year, was, in fact, the END of the millenium, not the BEGINNING!! A century is named for the LAST year in it, hence 20th century, 2000; 21st century, 2100, etc! This year, 2010 is the END of the decade, NOT the beginning!!!



You don't start counting objects with zero...
Agreed! When you count to ten, you start at 1 and end with 10, not 0 and end with 9.

Date of the first day of the third millennium of the common era: Jan 1st 2001.


The mythbusters tried that one and found that gum won't hold a pressure switch down.


Yea for mythbusters!!!


Pressure switches can have different levels of pressure required. Some will go down at the touch of a feather, others need a full grown person to stand on it. It's all about what they're made for, and I'm guessing that since the one in the movie has to be pressed down by the mask, it must not require 50 kgs to be pushed down.


Yes, but gum is elastic and will stretch. It would not have held.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


This movie came out before CSI.


There was never any doubt to the FBI about who was commiting the crime, so her leaving DNA evidence behind wouldn't give them anything more than they already had.


It was, um, DNA-proof gum. Yeah. There was, like, a delted scene that explained it all. There. Good? Go to bed


It was actually an extremely alkaline mixture (to neutralise and destroy the Deoxyribonucleic acid) of fibreglass and retinal scanners that, bu du du bu nu nu, when taken out of contact with CO2 for more than 5 seconds solidifies, using a complex algorithm that took 5 years to encode. There's also lasers, and telescopic poles. And its all activated by sexual tension and double crossing.

Bu du du bu nu nu.

I eat Lions
