sitcom for kids ?

They started to broadcast this sitcom a couple of months ago in the netherlands. The "jokes" in these series are just way to simple to make a grown person laugh (or they must be mentally challanged) in any way.

So i wondered, is this a sitcom for kids? No meaning to bash/flame here, it just would make sense to me.




id say it was for early teens, but i watched it when i was a kid and i still love it now im nearly twenty

If you believe in your abilities there's no limit to what you can do


It's ok, you just don't get it. I don't get why people like country music, but that doesn't mean they are simple-minded.

~A few of you will be forced through a fine mesh screen for your planet...~


I'd probably agree with the thread starter, i watched this show and loved during when i first saw it around 2001 here in the UK, so i was about 12 then and watched it when i was 13 too. I've just started watching the repeats again just for nostalgia, i wouldn't say it's for kids but the jokes are quite simplistic.


If you don't like it don't watch it you bunch of a-holes.


I strongly disagree, pretty appalled by the claim too.

...I am lost, I'm no guide, but I'm by your side...


I don't think a lot of the jokes transfer over different cultures...
and most of the guys jokes stem from the fact that they are immature which is why it's funny.

"I'm in love with Dominic Monaghan."
"Who is he?
"No its okay if i told you, you'd love him too."
