Their careers seem ruined!

This show is brilliant!!!! By far the most underrated sitcom out there!

But so many actors went on to do nothing. Apart from Ryan Reynolds and Nathan Fillion I haven't seen any of the others. I mean Traylor Howard hasn't acted in anything since 2010 and the others have appeared in single episodes of TV shows.


At least Sharon was in Monk.

Pete's done nothing.


I saw Ashley in 10 Cloverfield Lane last night... She's also in Silicon Valley


Ashley was in Shameless season 4 and 5

You're move, creep


Some of them could be doing theatre roles . If so , it obviously would not be listed on this movie/TV site .


Exactly the other cast members have done other well known roles since then in film, TV + theatre....So what is elliotthor-471-462234 talking about


I don't think we can blame this show too much for Traylor Howard's recent lack of work. She went on to be in several seasons of Monk afterwards. It's not like she did this and never worked again.


Ryan Reynolds career tanked after this series.
