Was Linoge Flagg?

Or at least connected to him?I've never seen it mentioned anywhere, but I haven't read evry Dark Tower book.


There are references in The Stand and in at least one DT book of Legion in relation to Flagg. From wikipedia: "...he identifies his true self to be the demon Legion, and states that Roland must defeat him if he is to enter the tower." (from The Gunslinger); "Cullen goes on to refer to him as the demon Legion." (from The Stand). I think there was another reference in one of the other DT books, but I can't recall which one. Together these would seem to connect Flagg and Linoge. However, there are points against this. If Linoge was Flagg it would be a departure from his usual use of the initials R.F., Randall Flagg, Richard Fannin etc. (although he has departed from R.F. before.) Also, in no other Flagg appearance (that I can think of) does Flagg have an "apprentice". I don't think King has said one way or the other, so I guess in the end it's up the individual reader/viewer to decide.

Sit, Ubu, sit.



They're similar characters, but I believe they are different. They have different motivations, for one - Linoge is focused on getting an heir because his life, from his point of view, is getting near its end, while Flagg only really cares about an heir in The Stand, and he (almost) gets one by impregnating Nadine.


Always remember that there are many parallel universes in the Dark Tower series. It's entirely possible that Linoge is simply one of many versions of Flagg, one who operates by a slightly different M.O. and doesn't use the R.F. gimmick. Maybe the anagram is that particular universe's version of the R.F. gimmick, the one subtle clue that reveals Linoge's true nature.


maybe he wasnt, but he had a new apprentice in the end didnt he?...
