I sincerly don't believe

that Linoge could have killed them all if they stood againgst him. it seemed to take so much power and concentration just to manipulate one person, also he coulnd't make Billy kill his girlfriend, proving there are limits to his power! and they really did "trick themselves"

also (possibly contridictory) i don't at all see Linoge as a bad guy. he is merely a dying entity of some sort looking for a protoge (sp?) and he is willingly given one. so i also sincerly don't believe that he is the villian in this movie, the citizens of Little Tall are.

Where we're going we don't need..roads.



It might be possible, but nobody in that town was aware that he couldn't control Billy. And even if he couldn't kill everyone he could kill more people and who there was willing to die to deny his request?

Come visit my blackrosecastle.com


I believe the first few chapters of the book of Job explain the limitation of his powers.

I didn't order Santana Abraxas. I didnt listen to Santana Abraxas. I do not want Santana Abraxas.
