MovieChat Forums > Storm of the Century (1999) Discussion > Was Mike right + Linoge's true intention...

Was Mike right + Linoge's true intentions?

While I lean to the fact that Mike was right, I am not entirely sure its for some of the same reasons others are saying.

My main issue is whether Linoge had the power to do what he said, which some people do not think he did if they all stuck together and resisted, and cite the sole incident of Billy resisting Linoge's manipulation.

Now, while Linoge was in jail, he was manipulating people outside on the island. The only person that showed an ability to resist his manipulation was Billy, but all that does is show a limitation to his power and there could have been reasons that Billy was able to resist. However, who knows how long he could have resisted if she had not walked away when she did? I also think the proximity between Billy and Linoge had an effect on how powerful his manipualtion was as well. That and his cane (which is actually a staff - which we see when Linoge is in his true form, the cane appears as the magical staff that it is: much longer and with a much larger head) are my other doubts.

After Billy resisted Linoge, Linoge said something like "back door, bottom step." He had the ability to manipulate his staff from a distance and the staff seemed to clearly be a powerful magical tool in and of itself. After Linoge basically tells the staff where to go, it appears outside the back door to the town hall, at the bottom step in front of Kat, and that is when he is able to manipulate her. There was no sign of the staff when he was trying to manipulate Billy, and if it was there, Linoge would not have had to tell it where to go, because it would have already been there.

Then after killing Billy, Kat said something about the staff and about not touching it. Also, the staff was responsible for mesmerizing the children, manipulating them into touching it and then putting them into an unwakeable dream state. Also, when Linoge had his staff were the times that he was able to create that huge powerful blue force and he seemed to be much more powerful when he had the staff with him.

So, I think it may be possible the only reason Billy was able to resist as long as he did could have been due to the proximity between Linoge and Billy as well as him not using his staff in the process.

That all being said, I think his staff was an extremely powerful tool that, if he had with him, and was with every single person in the town hall (negating any proximity issues), he very well may have been able to put a spell of mass hypnosis on them.

Oh, also, we do know that his remarks about what happened in Roanoke in the 16th century is a true story, and of course, in the world of this book, it seems to hint strongly that he had something to do with their disappearance, which means he may very well have the power.

Now, he could have just been using the fact about what happened in Roanoke to his advantage and taking claim for something he did not do, but, since nobody seemed to have ever heard about the missing settlers in Roanoke (they all sounded like it was the first they had heard of it after their dream), the fact that he made them dream about something that was actually happened made it seem much more likely that he had something to do with it.

Also, I actually think Linoge intended on taking Ralphie the entire time. Do you think he was telling the truth when he said any child would do and that they were all equal in his eyes? Do you really think he would want to take that bratty (and rather unintelligent) Buster kid? Also, don't you think he would want the most intelligent child with the most potential (which Richie probably was, being the child of Mike and Molly, rather than the spawn of some of the other yokels)? Finally, I have a feeling he would have prefered a boy for some reason.

All that being said, I have always thought Mike was right, but I am not so sure. I am not on the fence about it, but I am definitely much closer to the fence than most people on this board and think that Linoge may have been able to do what he said if they refused him.


I personally think he could have done it and I think he always intended to take Ralphie.

"Rock 'n roll martian!"


the point to me is not that if he would he be able to destroy them or not, they just should not given in even though it meant their death. They should not have let him take the child. Because they let him take Ralphie they cursed themselves and lived horrible lives. It would have been better for them all to die then to give in to that evil.


Totally agreed. I actually was kind of shocked that not one person aside from Mike stood strong against this whole thing. I could understand only a few taking that stand but only ONE!?

"Rock 'n roll martian!"


Hmmm...Its hard to say what you would actually do if you were in that situation until you are. They didnt all necessarily end up living horrible lives. A few of them who felt bad over the things they had done BEFORE Linoge even showed up seemed to be the ones who ultimately ended up suffering.

I will say, the outcome was masterfully crafted to the point where I wouldn't call anyone wrong for leaning in one direction or the other, and very few movies can do that.


that is not true, they were all cursed and some that killed themselves were people we did not know what they did before Linoge showed up, only one who beat up the guy in a bar. The rest were just tormented and the whole island was cursed. They made the wrong decision. They should have all chosen to die than to give in.


The other thing I would like to point out is Linoge himself said he was on his last legs. Since he only mentions ONE town hes been to before we can assume he RARELY takes a town hostage, he waits for many years until he can find the next perfect town. The last town resisted, which is why he had to wait so long to obtain another pupil, he spent 400 years looking for the next perfect town. If they had resisted Linoge would have probably died without a pupil. If you believe Linoge was an evil being their sacrifice wouldn't have been in vain.


Actually, it is true. Maybe you should watch the end again. I don't know where you get the idea that the "rest" were all tormented and that "the whole island was cursed." That may be what you feel happened but the ending doesn't doesn't really show any specific detail as that being the case. It does show some being unhappy and some coming to some awful ends or living with horrible guilt, but it does also speaks of life going on in the town and remarks on small towns knowing how to keep secrets.

Who do you think felt worse and suffered over the loss of Ralphie Anderson? His father, Mike pr the other members of the town?

Also, at the end, it did show Alton "Hatch" Hatcher marrying Mike Anderon's ex-wife Molly and them having another child, and it showed them looking happy.

So, no, what I said was not untrue.

*Must be hard to enjoy movies up on that high horse. Why not dismount & join me on the couch?*


omg, watch the movie again, they did not have another child. It was hatch's child from his dead wife. and yes they were all tormented, even Hatch mentions it. and it dies show specific examples, like the wife of the town manager killing herself in the boat and even Hatch's wife. they were all tormented and you should watch again.


You are right, they did not have a child together, my mistake. However, I do not agree with you that they were all "tormented," at least to the extent of them being any more tormented over their decision than many other people are about their own decisions they make through life, which was the real message here.

I would like to quote from Michael Anderson's narration at the end which really sums up things and if you had listened with a bit of a more opened mind you might understand what he is saying. Granted, I understand it takes experience and maturity to understand all of what he is saying, but I think most people who haven't lived a completely sheltered or coddled life totally understand what he was saying:

"I could have written Molly and told her (about seeing Richie). I thought about it. I even prayed about. When every choice hurts, how do you tell which one is the right one? (central theme to the entire movie, especially the towns decision). In the end, I kept silent. Sometimes, mostly late at night when I can't sleep (like when almost everyone else who thinks about decisions they've made that they regret or aren't sure about), I think that was wrong...but in daylight I know better. In daylight, I know better."

Now, I don't want to be condescending, but this movie is about much much more than whether the decision that was made was right or wrong and you are focusing way too much on the wrong thing and really missing the bigger point. I am sorry that you do not understand that or cannot relate to the metaphors to understand what issues King was really addressing. However, in time, and maybe with some more life experience, you can rewatch this movie and you will. This movie is about so much more, and I think that is why it is a movie that so many people appreciate, because so many people can relate.

Haven't we all watched the same movie at different times throughout our life and focused on different aspects and focused more on different issues as we get older? Haven't we all understood things in movies when we were older that we didn't really even pay attention to when we were younger? Maybe this will be the case with you, because arguing over the decision and whether their decision was right or wrong is not the actual message, because its not a message. Its how we live with our decisions when there is no "right" decision or "good" decision. Those are the decisions that stick most with people, and like he said, think about mostly at night when they can't sleep. I think most adults can relate to that in some way or another.

Sorry, no animals in the discussion hall. You have to dismount your high horse to participate.


Legion can only take a child if given. They can't take unwillingly. The town had to willingly give the child. What would they have gotten if not? Maybe death. However, if you are God's child that should not be a problem for you right. They willingly gave a child into sin to protect themselves. And that cursed them all. They will, in terms of this movie, go to hell. And in terms of the movie the town manager was already going for what he did to his mother. Left her to die while sleeping with a prostitute-cheating on his wife. Multiple sins for him. He was going anyway. I guess he thought later rather than sooner. They all did.

Yes. Legion knew in the very beginning what child they wanted. However, it was a process to go through. That is why the child latched on, kept saying this is my friend, and why he drew him into the closest during one scene. Legion never wanted the other children. Legion only used the children to frighten weak and sinful parents into following the plan of giving up one child.

Remember, they voted to give up a child and they even decided what which it will be. I remember them voting on a child named Harry or something. They voted what child they would give up and when Legion rejoined them he TOLD them they would pick a rock and the black one went to the child he wanted in the first place.

I was definitely with Mike on leaving the wife. She was not a virtuous woman. He was trying to keep people from killing the stranger-she says kill him. He was trying to say we need to do what is right-she kept saying I'm not with you. She was not letting her husband lead her in the right direction and she can be equated, in terms of the Bible, with Eve and she has sided with the serpent and the sinners.

Could he have made them drown? That is a valid question. If it happened before it can happen again. But remember when he didn't get his way with Billy he had the girl kill Billy. That proves he uses the weakness of the sinner to make them commit another sin-suicide. That is his power. However, I believe some things he named out they don't consider sin-cheating on college exams to make it through. Mike was strong enough to fight him and very well would have been the only person left had he made them drown themselves.


While I lean to the fact that Mike was right
Well since the author has already said that... no real point to debating it.


I am interested to know why Mike didn't address Linouge by name-Call me Legion for I am many. Maybe the outcome would have changed if they had addressed him. Told him no. Fought him. Or relied on God. I don't know but Little Tall will remain cursed.


So the moral of the story - most people are weak, selfish and stupid.


Well one of the many themes in King's works is that small towns are the most evil places.

I will not fear, fear is the mind killer
