3rd option

I see the town having a third choice, although if it didn't work it could/would explode in their faces.

Andre seems to have a human body, even if he is a demon spirit. He seems to be very aware and even afraid of guns. Every time one is pulled out he orders the person to put it away, or makes them drop it through a mind trick.

I believe his body could be killed. I'm guessing that half the men in that town hall had a hunting rifle in their truck. I would have lined up and waited for him to come back, then opened fire.

Might be a really bad idea, or it just might work.


Linoge would have known


didn't he catch a bullet earlier in the film? i doubt it.


I agree but once he had the children


He caught a bullet when he was in a cell. If he can catch a bullet, i doubt he can just be shot.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
