Steven King writes Biblical Stories
Okay bear with me here:
Part of the power of Stephen King as an author is the fact that he writes epic battles and with epic themes.
Therefore, like Steinbeck, King often writes with Biblical themes. In Danse Macabre, King says that horror is essentially conservative, didactically presenting lessons regarding good and evil.
Linoge represents Satan who in the Bible is called "The accuser of the brethren" who whispers to you about your hidden sin silencing you with it so that you cannot oppose him and do what is right. He's very much like Mr. Gaunt in King's Faustian book Needful Things. The sheriff tells Buster that he doesn't have to kill everyone but Gaunt whispers, controlling Buster saying, "Yes, you do" and Buster repeating him word for word.
Then you've got The Stand with Flagg vs Abby Freemantle - evil vs good again.
In fact Flagg is a sort of character who comes up in many of King's stories in different forms, and is probably in fact, Linoge as well, as he was The Man in Black in the Gunslinger series.
What hump?