There was another child who could have been considered and I think King was toying with the idea of giving this person to Linoge, but ultimately decided against it, and that person was Pippa Hatcher.
Now what do I base this on? Well let's go back to the kids dream sequence and take it from there.
Now whose holding hands here with Linoge and getting some serious screen time as well? Ralphie and Pippa.
Now this may not mean anything at this point in the screenplay, but fast forward to the end and you'll see where I'm going with this.
At the end, as we all know, the draw to decide which kid goes with Linoge is taking place and now it's down to the final two, and it so happens that it's Melinda Hatcher and Molly Anderson.
Now I could be grasping at straws here but I believe King wanted viewers to think that whichever child Linoge wanted had to involve one of these two kids.
But which one? That's the important thing here. And as we know, in the end, it was Ralphie.
And was King prepared to do an M. Night Shyamalan and deliver a twist ending that no one would see coming? Well, maybe not. But anything's possible.