Was Great Until...
I saw this way back when the theater and loved the first half. Or maybe the first quarter. More specifically up until Dicky was killed. He imho was the best part of the movie. Jude Law was gorgeous and flawless as the rich playboy spending his fathers money living it up in Italy.
Funny because Dicky accused Tom of being "quite boring" and went on and on with this until Tom snapped and killed him. But as soon as Dicky was gone the movie itself became pretty boring and pretty absurd too.
Tom was definitely clever and a master of deceit. I found it interesting up until Freddy's murder when Freddy was completely onto Tom. After this the police investigation, Dicky's dad, Marge and all the manipulations Tom did to cover his tracks and his ass just became more and more ridiculous. Insult to injury was that Marge FINALLY upon seeing Tom with Dicky's ring hallelujah put two and two together but then when she TRIED in vain to tell Dicky's dad about what was really happening he just chalked it up to her being a hysterical female and completely lacked any credibility. This upon hearing about the potential murder of his son by Tom and he just refused to even consider this possibility.
but I suppose it comes back to the shear lunacy that some very wealthy businessman would hire a kid he doesn't know to fetch his son from Europe to bring him back to the states and fund with all kinds of money and then at the very end give him Dicky's trust fund. I suppose at the end of this movie Tom really HAD become Dicky. His fantasy was to live Dicky's life and had to do everything within his power to destroy anything or anyone who would prevent this from going forward.
I still think the second half of this movie was boring and disappointing.