You can be a leech...

"you know this - and it's boring. You can be quite boring"

This movie was incredible, I like it a lot! I gave it a 9.


Yeah, that was a really well-acted scene. Jude Law's biting remarks really left a sting; and Tom's reaction made it so uncomfortable to a good way.


Awesome movie.....totally shocked me when i first saw it..LOL i thought it was a Chic flick and then i was wowed.


Its rare to see such well acted, entitled characters in movies.


So... Tom nightmares on the future... "you can be a leech"


yes, a great scene. I loved how previously, Dickie had begun tiring of him and tried to give him the soft sell "you cant pay your own way", hoping Tom would get the message. But Tom of course had fallen in love with the lifestyle and didn't want to leave, so everything came to a head in the boat. And the "boring" comment cut right to the bone.


Dickie was such a...dick.

I'm the saddle.




I remember reading a review of the film that touches on this scene - how the biggest crime one can commit against the super-rich is to wear out one's welcome. Tom was a toy that Dickie didn't want to play with anymore. This becomes clear even before their doomed ride. Back in Mongibello, after bursting Tom's bubble, Dickie's thoughts turned quickly, excitedly, to a new home for his boat.


It wasn't just boredom. Dickie's disillusionment and anger were very clear at San Remo, when he asked Tom if he had ever been at Princeton. He was furious at having been conned and his trust betrayed, both in learning of Tom's sexual interest in him and Tom's misrepresenting his background. This had started in the bathroom scene, and was very much confirmed by Freddy. Freddy knew Tom was gay - 'You do know your ass from your elbow' - and he was very certain Tom had never studied at Princeton. You can hardly blame Dickie. Not only had he been duped by Tom, he looked like a fool to Freddy as a result. In his place, wouldn't you want Tom out of your home and out of your life?

"I am always happy to engage in POLITE discourse."


Dickie was not disgusted in the tub...his look is one of indifference and politely saying"Thanks but no thanks." Dickie wasn´t that pissed in San Remo,then he would never have taken the trip...he was smarter then in the book;He figured out Tom had never been to Princeton,even the trickier scam of him not even loving Jazz...but Dickie being Dickie,he is more happy and pleased with himself about being right,he and Marge had a bet.. then seeing the danger,his narcissism and arrogance became his downfall..

After Tom says"I´ve begun to like it and Dickie goes-Yes!! He CLEARLY isn´t he completely miss and ignore the biggest warning sign of all,Tom saying-"I´ve begun to like everything about the way you live,it´s One big love affair!"

Dickie was through with Tom dancing like a fruitcake infront of the mirror,off him leeching,of Tom saying they´re brothers etc(Though why admit the whole Silvana story to someone you despise,I´m sure I dont know. Dickie is a fascinating but weird script creation)...Dickie could care less about Toms sexuality,he was too in love with as all the other things,even those only we as audience saw,that Dickie had enough off.

Plus after Silvanas death,he wanted to start fresh..hard to blame him. It´s Tom psychotic-You love me,you´re not marrying me. that makes it impossible for Dickie to mask his contempt and disgust regarding this guys total lack of reading a oom or relation that makes him RIGHTFULLY say a few things he had on his mind...being a leech and boring was oviously a bigger flaw then being homo and clingy....

Dickie is also dumber here then in the book;There,Tom doesn´t really make a move on him but still sniff out he´s gay,mocks him and that seales his fate since Tom is such a closetcase,his face becomes the film it is the complete opposite,like advances and Dickie is oblivious or "Whatever."On the boat... -"That evening we played chess,it was obvious" You can see Dickies honest confusion"WHAT evening?" It´s a screenplay with many improvements,the boatscene the obvious but also some flaws...humanizing Tom so extremely made it all a bit"Poor demented workingclass"


Tom should have said, "Oh yeah, well can a leech do this?" (Hits Dickie with the oar) "Sorry, am I boring you!" (continues repeatedly hitting Dickie with the oar, while saying "Is this boring?", "Is this boring?" with each blow)


@Globalcharmer, remind me not to antagonize you. LOL....


I felt very sorry for Tom in a way. Not only was he in love with the lifestyle but he was in love with Dickie, as well. To learn that Dickie couldn't stand him must have been like a knife in the gut. But seeing things from Dickie's point of view, he was right. Tom WAS a leech and a very dangerous one, at that.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


I always felt he was only in love with the lifestyle. I think he loved being accepted into a group and feeling wanted, but he didn't know Dickie that well. He thought it was better to be a fake somebody but no matter how good he was at it, he was just mimicking love and feelings and eventually, people can feel something is off.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.
