Was Dickie bisexual?

I have conflicting thoughts on this. On one hand I think he was, yet on the other, I think he just liked the attention he got from people (whether it be male or female).

His relationship with Freddie was a bit suss, too. And he was also friends with Peter, who was gay.

Just curious what you guys think?

It looks a bit sweaty in there so you may need to apply baby powder Zapp Brannigan


I think Dickie was just a narcissist who loved attention. He may have allowed an adoring male to perform a certain sex act on him, especially if he was drunk, but he was repelled by the idea of a true homosexual r'ship. When Tom suggested joining him in the bath, he gave him a look of pure hate, along with a definite refusal.

"I am always happy to engage in POLITE discourse."


I completely agree. To Dickie any attention was a welcomed attention but that's about it. I've known a lot of people like that.


I completely agree. To Dickie any attention was a welcomed attention but that's about it. I've known a lot of people like that.

I've known a lot like that as well, they crave attention, and it doesn't matter who it comes from.




On the other hand, there are gay men who love attention from women, despite not being attracted to them.

There are also straight men who don't mind other men flirting with them. It gives them self-esteem and a big ego.


I think it's possible for a straight man to be friends with a gay man so your reasoning seems to be more than a bit unhinged.

There was nothing in the movie that indicated Greenleaf was anything but heterosexual.
