MovieChat Forums > The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) Discussion > It's a great film once you get through i...

It's a great film once you get through it all....

but man is it tedious. I mean it takes A LONG LONG LONG time to get going. I don't know how I got through it all. Watching it now I'm asking myself how i ever got through it.


Not really


I agree. The movie was really good but it took me forever to watch it. I don't know why but I finished it my fifth try.


I think it is a wonderful film. But I can see how it might be hard to get through. For one thing, the story falls into different "Chunks" by geographical location and also whomever Ripley is trying to be. But it's an amazing film. I am glad I saw it in a theater when it first came out. I notice watching films at home, we have too many distractions. Its better to watch it and tune out everything else.
Never say never...


I mean it takes A LONG LONG LOMG time to get going.

These are the kinds of movies I'm loving lately.

It's languid, like a long slow dip in the pool. Liike a sultry jazz tune. I get sick of hyped up whizz bang movies.

You know what another really SLOOOW movie is? Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. And I watch it every time it's on TV.



It depends a lot on your taste in movies, their genre and structure. I, personally, was intrigued after the opening song and hooked from the moment he introduced himself to Meredith as 'Dikkie'. I like the deliberately paced character dramas, relishing every passing second.

