How did Roman

Find Sydney? It was shown him going to jail and next thing the killer has found her..


Complete mystery. Dewey is seen lending his phone to Kincaid to set him up as a red-herring, but the film forgot to explain how the actual killer got it. Roman got the phone from Kincaid somehow? I don't know.

Arya vs T-1000:


I think the movie just forgot to explain too. I like this movie, but they rushed the script to capitalize on the Scream name




But Roman found Sidney by following her dad?

Ah ahh aha! Never thought of that!

Oh. Re the first part, no offence.

Oh, wait! That makes no sense. If Roman followed Sid's dad then why bother calling. He could have murdered her then and there.

Or perhaps there was a dark network of conspiracy behind Roman finding Sid. The Weinstein's perhaps?


The Weinstein's are behind this all!


(Roman gets arrested)
JENNIFER: Remind me not to sleep with him [Roman] again...


KINCAID: WHo has access to your phone?
DEWEY: Just Jennifer...and you.

I think the implication is that Jennifer had Dewey's phone at one point, and that she had it when Roman slept with her.

"Garcia, nobody can hire my feelings!" -Guy Kazama
Formerly goArenas



He only had her number, he didn't know where she was.

"See it with someone you love...Go by yourself"


I like the idea that GoWallandBeal mentioned about Roman taking it from Dewey's phone when Jennifer had it when he slept with her. Another possibility could be that maybe Dewey left his phone in his trailer and Roman got a hold of it briefly to make a note of Sidney's number. He was in the trailer of course when he killed the bodyguard but I can't recall if we saw whether or not Dewey had his phone on his person at that time.


i'd like to also know how in the world did he get maureen's voice samples


I wish he had recorded voice samples and just edited them. But the idea is that he created a voice changer that could make his own voice sound like other people. Roman had met Maureen in real life, but he probably watched some of her old movies or screen tests to hear what her voice sounded like.
