Interestingly, browsing your posting history I see you are arguing in the same imature way with another user stepsonglass. They even put you on ignore I see
Your history shows that you've been banned from a website. Enough said.
Seems like that poster is just as immature as you and just wants everyone to agree with them. I tried to have a discussion with him like an adult and he apparantly couldn't or didn't want to do that.
The first time I ever came to the scream boards it was like a pirahna tank, there was actual shock I thought highly of the film and it got nasty very quickly.
Oh yeah, the horror! Saying "I agree, it's way too silly. Not the same tone as the previous two Scream movies" is SO nasty! If you're honestly shocked by such a statement then you really do need to grow up.
You, MovieBuffBrad, Wehoaks. etc
You guys are what we call cyber-bullys.
I didn't even reply to you! I'm almost never the first to reply to you! I think I've stressed this again and again. I have no problem whatsoever with the fact that you like Scream 3. The only thing I've said to you is that there's no reason to constantly bring up Scream 3 on the Scream 2 board and the other way around, and compare the two movies. It's things like that that contribute to a nasty atmosphere on the board. And the last couple of years you've been hounding me every time I dare to say something negative about this movie. If anyone is a bully it's you.
Your personal insults abound.
How dare you whine about personal insults. You are the one who first used an ad hominem, accusing me of lying by suggesting I haven't even seen these movies. And you love throwing personal insults around. You constantly call me and others Williamson fanboys who are in love with him. You accuse us of just making things up, ignoring things, not "getting" or "grasping" the movie, not making "logical sense", being haters, hypocrites, etc. You can dish it, but you can't take.
And wondering if you have autism is not an insult, it's nothing to be ashamed of, but it might be a very good explanation why you behave the way you do. Saying you need to grow up and deal with it is not a personal insult either. What else should you do if you can't handle someone stating an opinion you don't agree with and respond by suggesting they're making things up and don't know what certain words mean? Grow up and deal with it!
It shows the kind of mentality you guys have...Hell, I was even actually accused of "screwing my Scream 3 dvd" at one point by one of you. And of actually being Ehrehn Krueger.
I've never said any of those things, so it's absurd to hold them against me. I don't go and blame you for the things other posters say.