9/11 Inside Job

The strangest part of 9/11 was the BBC reporting World Trade Centre 7 as collapsed 23 minutes before it even happened.

When the BBC was asked they refused to give their sources, even under a court order, they still give ambiguous information today, saying there was a lot of confusion that day.

Do not forget the building had small fire, and then it imploded on itself, which now is measured at actual free fall speed.

In physics, that mean if you dropped a bowling ball, it would take 6 seconds to hit the front from the roof, that is the speed the building collapsed in itself.

Firemen are trained when a building has a small fire to enter the building, to the floor beneath, then put the fire out from that point, thus the shortest way to stop a fire.

Now in physics if buildings can collapse completely then all fireman must be retrained for this eventuality from now onwards.

Note that no plane hit that building, but the US government did expect a plane, which was united 93, but that did not get there in the end.

Watch "Incontrovertible" on you tube, again using facts and science, why did the World Trade investigation, closed from the public, completely miss out anything on World Trade Centre 7


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The strangest part of 9/11 was the BBC reporting World Trade Centre 7 as collapsed 23 minutes before it even happened.

So on 9/11 the worlds media was given a script to follow, and somehow the BBC blew their lines? Is that what you mental midgets think happened?




"I don't have haters only fans in denial" - SwizZz


Not really an "inside job". However, with the NSA spying on everyone, it is hard to believe that they weren't aware of what was going to happen. I lean with the possibility that certain individuals in government knew about the attack, but let it happen to take away our freedoms. Since then, Bush signed the surveillance bill the, "Patriot Act", Obama signed the indefinite detention bill, "NDAA". Etc. Etc.


A LOT of BS in the post BUT I will address one point
The Collapsing
By 9/11 I'd been in construction over 20 years, and was a General Superintendent building buildings, like the Twin Towers , just not as tall I'd been at work since 4 as we were pouring concrete, Things were good I went to breakfast, heard about the 1st plane
I got inside the restaurant and everyone was watching a big screen, A friend asked what I thought would the building stand
"The Pilot, hit to high, be a big fire, BUT the building will stand"
Then we watched the second jet hit the other tower
"That's bad" I said
"He, hit lower, more weight above, The fire will soften all that structural steel and it will fail"
If there had only been 1 jet tower 1 would have survived
When tower 2 hit the ground it was like a localized earthquake of about 8-9, and that's what brought down tower 1
The ONLY time I hear of other Trade Center building s is online and not the news
