MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > "The Bug" and the agents as a whole make...

"The Bug" and the agents as a whole make no sense

"You are going to help us, Mr. Anderson - whether you want to, or not." also makes no sense.

What did the bug do, exactly? Such a 'nightmarish horror scene' when it was inserted, all that flailing around and shutting Neo's mouth - and for what?

Seriously, what did 'the bug' actually do? It was inside Neo's (virtual) body for a LONG time, and it did.. what, exactly? Move around a bit, disturbing his (virtual) organs? Created internal bleeding? Brainwashed Neo a bit? Installed 'proper values'? Made Neo a machine spy? Inserted a long-lasting drug that makes him susceptible (not sure of the spelling here) to the Agents' control?

What is the point of installing something into someone's body that does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and is then promptly removed? Was the plan that it was GOING to do something... not now, that it could, because it's inside Neo's body, but some time in the future, when things are happening? What? Huh? How?

It's one of the most dramatic, surprising, intense moments in this whole movie and the story, and yet it's 100% useless. The agents might JUST AS WELL not even have come to Neo's workplace, the end result would be the same!

If you want to argue, please explain how it would be ANY different. Neo would still have probably taken a nap, Morpheus would still have called, etc. etc.. EVERY DARN THING would still have played out the same, so as a group of agents, why even bother showing up, when you could have just spent the day off, like Ferris?

Furthermore, now Neo knows something is wrong with reality, and his determination is going to be even stronger. Why show anyone these 'reality-breaking things' if you don't have to? If they were gonna control Neo anyway (mouth shut), then why not control his MIND instead of his body? Just make him fall asleep, then insert the bug, so he doesn't know about it. Why not this way? If they can shut his mouth, surely they can shut his mind as well - or heck, even just his eyes would be enough.

If they're gonna inject something into his body against his will, why not a sedative or tranquilizer first, at least? THEN do your 'reality-breaking stuff' when he is asleep. Why give him this info and then let him think it MIGHT have been a dream, when you absolutely did NOT have to reveal anything at all?

WHY are the agents so SLOPPY when it comes to this 'revealing things to people' stuff? even MiB were better at hiding things from the masses. What about the cop that says 'That's impossible!'

What kind of existential crisis is he going home with? What about all the people, whose lives they just interrupted permanently by taking over their bodies? Shouldn't there be some kind of protocol for this stuff, so they don't just indiscriminately disrupt people's lives in a way that creates a butterfly effect that eventually makes the public realize the truth? What if people start investigating why someone suddenly disappeared, etc..?

The agents make such rash, stupid decisions, it boggles the mind.

Then the whole mouth-shutting thing - what was that? How did they do that? Why did they do that? What was the point of it? Was it necessary? I don't think it was, and yet, they just FLEXED on someone just to break the illusion of reality - again.

Why do they keep doing this without a care on how it affects the CAREFULLY crafted 'worldbuilding' and illusion? With this kind of carelessness, it won't be long until EVERYONE knows what's going on!

They don't seem to be worried at this stuff at all.

I mean, they could easily take the body of some mother, whose kids are waiting for her at home, and the mom never arrives. So now what? Do the kids starve to death? How can they just keep doing this stuff so easily and sloppily?

Furthermore, if they are SO willing to so easily disregard any discretion, why won't they just simply do MORE of that 'reality-breaking' stuff, like jump from rooftop to rooftop instead of using a car to travel, or use cops to help them? They could do this job all by themselves.

Also, why would the agents that can BEND REALITY, need some corporate secretary telling them WHERE Neo's cubicle is?? Come on! How can they be so 'omnipotent' and yet so ignorant at the same time? Their 'running search' was not very extensive, if they have to talk to some low-paid plugged-in battery just to get directions to Neo's cubicle.

I mean, think about it - would you lower yourself to TALK TO YOUR BATTERIES if you had a much better way of knowing something? WHY would the machines and their 'sentient programs' (groan) NOT know every single thing there is to know about The Matrix? THEY ARE RUNNING IT! THEY CREATED IT! THEY DECIDED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!

They should basically EVEN know everyone's thoughts, for crying out loud. But they can't find Neo's cubicle without a battery pointing it out? WHAT?!

That's like you not being able to use search engines to find some address, so you have to ask your Laptop's battery for directions. That should NOT be how anything works!


The agents' tapping ability - among pretty much all their 'brainy' abilities' is worse than horseshit. At least that can be used for manure.

I mean, how do they tap a phoneline, install a friggin' physical, unnecessarily spiderlike 'bug' inside someone's NAVEL (why would this EVER happen, even in the Matrix?? WHY? WHY A SPIDERBUG IN THE NAVEL?! Can't the machines think of something more sophisticated, clever, intuitive, organic, fitting within the 'human world system'? Can't they check the human history and see NOTHING LIKE THAT has ever been done, and mimic the things that HAVE been done to control people?)...

I am sorry, this movie is so childish, when you think about it..

.. how do they tap a phoneline, and then not know exactly what is being said?

Alternatively, they HEAR the conversation, but they don't act upon it. So let me get this straight, the strategy here is:

1) Install an unnecessarily spiderlike (and big) bug (which looks like a LITERAL bug, groan!), unnecessarily into someone's navel (instead of sleeping drug, hypnosis, and a MYRIAD of less conspicuous ways of controlling/tracking someone, heck, install a tiny microchip in their shoe or under their skin or whatever).

Also, I don't think that's how navels work, so the 'reality illusion' has been broken in three separate ways FOR NO GAIN/BENEFIT or REASON! WHAT were they thinking?!

2) Tap Neo's phone.. for .. reasons?

3) Act upon the info both things bring you in following ways:


What happened here? Did the agents fall asleep? Did they see where Neo is, listen to where he's supposed to meet the man the agents supposedly want 'arrested', where also other 'unplugged' people are gathered, so they could get/kill them all easily with one explosive, raid, helicopter attack, demolishing the building, etc... again, about 800 different ways and more..

..then say, ooh, we know Neo is in that building, and we heard his conversation with Morpheus - they are probably going to unplug him..


..and we heard Morpheus say, 'if we knew what he knows, Neo would probably be dead', and Neo's name is Anagram of One, and his name is Thomas, as in doubting thomas, and his last name is Anderson, which basically means 'Son of Man' (Ander - Android - Andrist - Mis-Andrist, just like female would be Gyno - Gynoid - Gynist - Mis-o-Gynist)..

...SO.... let's go mug'em! Sorry, I meant.. let's.. let's...

"LET'S DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!", they suddenly heard Smith proclaim as he entered the super high-tech, efficient surveillance room where the Agents can have anything they want, even some less conspicuous way of tracking people.

And so they did.

If they are so keen to murder everyone, that they use this Cypher-betrayal-that-the-Oracle-the-Bitch-Won't-Mention thing to just kill everyone they can and capture Morpheus, then WHY won't they act upon ALL THIS INFORMATION they worked SO HARD to be able to acquire?

They install a bug, tap a phoneline, follow and research Neo, go to his workplace to capture him - JUST TO DO NOTHING?!


What kind of incompetent cartoon fools are these?

These are worse than ANY villain that ever existed in any saturday morning cartoon!

What is wrong with these agents? WHY do they do only HALF of their job, then suddenly go into deep pause mode? Did they bug or glitch? Did they fall into some digital coma?

I swear this movie makes no sense, but the more I think about it, the MORE it seems to not make sense... this is not good for my blood pressure.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
