Your post made me think of the mechanics of the whole 'birth' stuff. So male and female have sex in The Matrix, and the male ejaculates inside the female.
Now, this is all virtual, so that never actually happens, they're both just made feel and experience it all as if it's actually happening. So at that time, real artificial insemination is also made to take place in the real world.
Then the baby is artificially birthed (artificial womb, manufactured egg and collected sperm? The machines were really meticulous), synchronized to the events happening in 'The Matrix'.
I wonder how the 'birth in real life' is synchronized to 'birth in The Matrix', you can't always predict the exact date. Maybe the 'real world' events are guiding what happens in The Matrix.
It gets a bit complicated, when you think how the baby is immediately in The Matrix after birth - I mean, the real soul of the real baby goes to 'The Matrix' to be born, and its body stays in the real world. Then it's put into the 'tub' in real world with all those tubes and wires and chips surgically inserted..
It just seems very complicated and difficult to keep everything synced and installed in the real world, while also making sure everything looks and feels 'normal' in The Matrix.
All the parents do is have sex and a baby will pop out and they get to start taking care of him/her/it, but in real life, the machines are simultaneously doing surgery and inserting tubes and putting the baby into a tub of slime, and starting the whole 'human battery' life for the newborn.
How do they even grow normally in the tubes, when they don't have exercize and possibly enough oxygen, etc.?
Anyway, it seems like things being this complicated, the machines would rather choose to use something else for batteries. You know, like .. actual batteries, for example?