by - tyrexden on Mon Mar 28 2011 10:01:34
Thats what they'll have you 'believe', that it was intent, but it was clear some sequences were shot on video. They must have run out of budget.
All the scenes with the mistress, for instance were probably shot at the same time on video, after principal photography had already wrapped.
Same with the scene of the bum finding the money.
by - tyrexden on Tue Apr 5 2011 18:22:20
well yea... I don't doubt it was done on purpose. I'm just saying it was a crafty way to save some budget.
You're contradicting yourself.
Besides, unless you can provide legitimate facts, what you said in the first quote above is basically just
an assumption with nothing real to back it up with.
If you ask me, the film already has
many different elements of style as it is (shaky cam, steady cam, clear shots-noisy shots, animation, different direction for particular scenes, etc.), so it's really not AT ALL that farfetched that the "noisy shots" were done on purpose
for creative reasons (again, considering that the film itself already has many different style approaches even if we left out the noisy shots).