I am confused about this movie. First off, after much hype I watched this film and found it horrendous. Do people feel the need to acclaim films because they were once a little 'out there'? WOW it uses cartoons AND real life.. haha..just because a film uses different techniques it doesn't make you any more interlectual or individual saying you like it more than a Hollywood blockbuster. I personally thought this movie was *beep*

However, I was totally confused when watching, what was the point of the photgraph things (I mean the woman in the street, the man, the woman at the bank ect)

I know they changed each time, was this just supposed to convey their different lives as we see Lola's different life or attempt to get the money?

If anyone could clear this up for me or offer their own interpretation it would be appreciated :)



The photo stills offer a glimpse of those people's future. I don't think they have a significant point in what the plot is concerned, but they're funny to watch and it's also interesting to see that they're different each time. This shows the writers believe destiny is random and the same thing couldn't happen again - which in fact is what happens to Lola (little details significantly change the way the events unfold in each of the re-living of the same situation), so maybe they do have a point. :)


the whole point of the movie is to illustrate chaos, small changes having ultimately large effects


just because a film uses different techniques it doesn't make you any more interlectual or individual saying you like it more than a Hollywood blockbuster.

I don't think there's anybody who says that. And just because you didn't get this movie, doesn't mean it's *beep*

I know they changed each time, was this just supposed to convey their different lives as we see Lola's different life or attempt to get the money?

You complain about this movie and the people who like it while you don't even get it? Sheesh! This movie adresses the chaos theory, how one little thing can cause bigger things to happen. The fact that one little thing is different in each of the cartoons leads to a different scenario and therefore a different future for each of the persons Lola comes in contact with, illustrated by the photographs. This was very easy to understand.
