
I recently watched this movie again for the first time in a lot of years. Unfortuatley, I came in on the end.

I was a little confused about the whole Lancelot v Galahad debate. If someone could take the time to explain it to me, it would be much appreciated.



Have you forgotten your angel, that has a mug of beer inside this Took?


The Lady Of The Lake told Merlin that the answer to England's troubles is on some island (I forget the name). When he gets there he thinks it's Lancelot and brings him back with him. But it's his son Galahad who he should have brought back because it's Galahad that finds The Holy Grail.


But when she told him that, did she want Merlin to use magic to make him grow faster? Like Mab did with Mordred. That's something I never understood. Or should he protect evryone as a child :)

Oh I think I got it now. Arthur should wait, till Galahed grows up so they can look for the Holy Grail together, or just Galahed.Right?
