100 Things learned from Samurai Cop
1. When anything glass breaks (windows, bottles, TV, etc.) you know your in a kickass gun fight.
2. Part of the Samurai Cop code is never to change facial expressions, except during sword/gun/fist fights in which one is to make the most ridiculous faces imaginable. These faces are part of an old Samurai tradition that is ment to leave ones opponent defenseless.
3. All Japanese Katana gang leaders sport mullets to show dominance.
4. Real Samurai’s are always American.
5. All Samurai Cops are sex addicts. This is because their hair produces twice as much mojo as the average man.
6. A decapitated head looks best atop a piano.
7. When the Captain gives a speech about “wanting less dead bodies”, mock him.
8. Since Samurai Cops often accidentally light their suspects on fire, its best for them to carry a blanket and fire extinguisher in their car at all times.
9. Samurai Cops only weakness is sliding doors.
10. When holding a Samurai Cop and his partner at gunpoint, one should always shoot the token sidekick first.
Live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse.