is ben willis dead?

i think he is cuz she unloaded 5 bullets in him so it makes no sense he's dead for real this time if you ask me




Wow thanks MEO you actually cleared up alot for me lol


He's definately dead. She unloaded 6 rounds into him and there's no way he was getting up from that and a bullet-proof vest is just pushing it. That last scene with Julie and Ray had to have been a dream because there was a third movie intended in 2000 with Jennifer, Freddie and Brandy intended but for unknown reasons that fell through.


K, you said that he's definitely dead, which I agree with. Then you said they intended to do another movie in 2000, which I'm not sure I heard about. How does that work if Ben died?



I say he's still alive. I've always felt the ending was NOT a dream. I say this bc of the boot tracks on the floor. That was priveledged information for the audience, which she could not see. If that were a dream of hers, she too would have seen the tracks and known to get the hell outta there.

"There's a formula to it, A VERY SIMPLE FORMULA! EVERYBODY'S A SUSPECT!!!"



I'd never thought about the boot tracks...
Hmm.. given me something to think about ;)

I like to think he was alive but that that was a dream as I always wanted a real sequel to it, I think I liked IKWYDLS the first viewing and was dissapointed with ISKWYDLS however this watch, two days ago or so :P It switched and I'm actually goin to watch the second again in liek an hour haha


He's dead, I had to kill him last night out of self-defense.
