Ray's plotline shoehorned in?

Anybody else feel it was a last minute rewrite/reshoot?


Yes I do. Maybe if it was better written it would have worked but he only really serves to take away from the events on the island , and then to suddenly appear and save the day . Carla could have done that . A bigger cast probably would have helped this film more . I think that a lot of slasher films suffer from having too small of a cast . As is the case of I Still Know , as there was no one left to save the day they shoe horned in to do it but they had to get him there in a way that makes sense , for some reason they thought a coach trip seemed to work when we clearly saw the rest take a plane !
There comes a time to put away childhood things. But some things just won't stay put!


He was always part of the script. It was just a lazy way for the writers to manufacture a reason for Julie to take Will on the trip.
