However, when you get shot 5 times from point blank range, and then fall into an open grave where mud and water are rushing down on you, the odds of surviving that are virtually impossible. Even if you had a bullet proof vest, 5 shots would at least knock you out. Then falling into a grave, with all the mud and the water would asphyxiate you.
After she unloaded on him, you see no GSWs to the head or face, so she must have unloaded them all in his chest area, likely aiming for lungs or heart. If he had a bulletproof vest, he would likely survive, though as you mention it could knock you out. When he fell into the grave, he could well have been still alive.
After that, he might not have been covered with enough mud to asphyxiate him, so all he would be getting is a bit of rain on his face, which wouldn't be the same as actually being immersed in water.
You could make an argument for him being buried alive, but since they don't actually show them burying him, I wouldn't count on it happening. If there's one thing you can count on in a slasher pic, if you didn't see it, it didn't happen. All you really see is just a bit of mud on his face, not even really covering enough of his face to asphyxiate him.
I know I would've certainly filled in the hole, to make sure he stays in the ground, but slasher pic characters are notoriously stupid. They probably didn't think of it, assuming he was dead, and probably a bit too scared to go near the body. Often enough, when people get close to investigate the body, that's when the body sits up and attacks you. ;)
All he needs to do is lie there, pretending to be unconscious (after he wakes up from being knocked out, anyways), and wait for everybody to clear out. Then he can get up, slip out to a hiding place, wait for everyone to leave the island, then leave by some other means.
Alan Lafond