Funny, underrated lines...

"You're workin' for him, aren't you, ya little *sh*t!?*

"This is just another one of his stupid little ploys!"


Anything Keith David says. He's one of the best parts about this movie.

Also, it's not really a line, but I like how Warren solved the Rubik's Cube during the prom scene. Anyone else catch that?


"I work with *******."
"Don't you think that's politically incorrect?"
"Well nobody's gonna tell me who I can and can't work with."

Green Goblin is great!




"The bathroom's THAT way!" *awkward pause*

Big dramatic turnaround expected and then Healy says: "I'll get you her number just as soon as she gets back from Japan..."

"What, you think your *beep* don't stink?"
"No, I mean yes it doe...."

Also it's not really a line but there's a moment where Dom and Ted are having lunch. Their fairly homely, middle aged waitress brings them their check and even though she's made to look drab, Dom very obviously checks out her butt.

I notice your English gets better when you want something.


That entire scene with the crazy hitchhiker was hilarious.

"7 minute abs!"

"Step into my office...cuz you're f**cking fired!"

"You're talkin' gargonzol when it's clearly brie time, baby!"

"7 little chipmunks twirling on a branch, eating sunflowers on my uncle's ranch!"


"Each day's better than the next"


Norm to Healy and Ted: "You both should be kissing my hairy bean bag" - I laugh so much at that line!


Norm to Healy and Ted: "You both should be kissing my hairy bean bag" - I laugh so much at that line!

Same here.

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours
