Most annoying scenes

This movie if full of them. For me it would have to be the scene where Tom Hanks "gets down to business" on his laptop (sitting on his bed chatting with Meg Ryan) by zooming his index finger down toward the keyboard. I found that scene particularly cocky and annoying. What also made me cringe was the scene where Meg Ryan starts air boxing in the children's bookstore, and the duck-lipped face she'd make every time she logged into AOL.


I absolutely hated the way Meg Ryan tried to come off as adorable when she was sick (as if the audience would roar with laughter when she sneezed into the intercom.)


Those didn't bother me. What did is Fox is living with a woman and Kathleen is practically living with a man when this all starts up. Yes they both ended before anything really happens but the intention is there. Yet neither of them feel guilty about it.


Kathleen's guy hooked up with that newscaster so she didn't need to feel guilty. He broke it off first.


The singing scenes were cring worthy.


So Tom and Meg don't work for you. That's fine, nothing can please everybody.

Consider yourself part of the lucky .0000001% of people that aren't totally charmed by everything these two have even done or said.

If you don't like Tom and/or Meg, yeah, the movie's going to be "full" of annoying scenes. Like, every. single. scene.


The cash only line scene. NO ONE would have thought Tom Hanks was charismatic in that situation. I wanted to murder them both.


Totally! I've worked in retail, and condescending customers like him are the absolute worst. He put that cashier in a really uncomfortable position.


I agree with you. That cash only line scene was completely unnecessary, among other things. I always skip it each time I watch the film.

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍


LOL... I just passed that scene, and I totally skipped it. Ctrl-Right'd right through.

Shoot him, cut out his tongue, then shoot his tongue.
