Rope Stunt

When Jackie spins off the top of that building with the rope coiled round him... is that for real?!?!?!


No. He is actually rigged on a wire.

"Because anything else would be uncivilized."
-Hulk Hogan, Old Spice commercial


Ah! Thanks. How do you know that? Is it on the DVD? I only have it on VHS so no special features :(


real or not, that's an incredible stunt! today in hollywood, due to all the safety and legal issues and insurance crap, we hardly get good stunts anymore. So even if Jackie was rigged with a wire, that is considered "dangerous" by todays standards as climbing up a building without equipment was dangerous in the 20's and 30's.

I always figured he'd snap something spinning down like that.

"I'm your huckleberry."-Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday in Tombstone


I imagined it was rigged but what a fantastic stunt

//Add me to your netflix friends list!


Jackie is indeed "rigged" with a cable, which is wrapped around him just like the rope with a neoprene belt underneath. Still very difficult to keep the body straight though and if your body bends the centrifugal force creates a wobble which throws you off centre. this shot took 7 takes. I know this 'cos I was on the rigging crew


Yeah - I appreciate how hard it must have been. Thanks for your input all. Wired or not, this is pretty insane and a great stunt! I was just curious as to how insane the man is!

I'm bringing Afro back!!! Unlike most boys, I can't wear a hat!


As insane as a sane person can be!!!!!!

It was a clever stunt, as were many of the stunts in this movie. I especially like his escape from the hotel in Sun City, his slide down the wall was one those seemingly simple stunts, but was actually quite mad.

I was on holiday recently and visited a Nature Reserve where out tour guide was part of the security team at Sun City when this was filmed. Apparently his wife ended up as an extra too! Totally off subject, but reading these threads just reminded me of it!!

You forget all the things, you just do it!


nice! is it true that you worked on the movie?
what other movies have you been involved with?
was it really jackie that did that stunt himself,or was it someone on his team?
