MovieChat Forums > Ngo si seoi (1998) Discussion > This movie was really good but....

This movie was really good but....

I thought this movie rocked and was one of the better Jackie Chan movies I've seen but the ADR and continuity was horrible. During the rooftop fight the sky is really overcast, then it clears, and then it is overcast again.

The bad ADR is seen in so many parts of the movie.

Also, the stunt doubles were hilarious. Do they actually think the audience is going to believe that they are who they're supposed to be? Very funny.

This movie could have been so much better if they had payed attention to detail.



lmao, I'm watching that right now. The fake leg is amusing. I don't see why they couldn't have kept the real leg, though. I mean - right roundhouse kick to the head, then follow that leg through, turn the body 360, then crouch and sweep low with the same leg.. I'm surprised that JC needed to use a fake leg for that *shrug* I guess the guy couldn't do it as fast as JC wanted.

This is my number 1 favourite fight of JC, I think, because the choreography is mindblowing, and the editing is very well done.

I never ever even noticed the sky *shrugs* Too busy on the fighting. Maybe JC was just so glad to get the fight over with he forgot how much time had passed.

That scene REALLY inspires me. I wanna go choreograph now, but it's difficult without using the environment to make it interesting. *shrugs*

You just gotta appreciate the film for its genius and overlook the little oversights the crew made. When you think of how much hard work went into the rest of it, probably hundreds of takes on the fights altogether, you can't help but be impressed, really.


And what is up with all those movies in the Netherlands...
the people speak Dutch overthere!!

I really doubt you'll see a woman that says "Here Sweetie" to her dog.

But that's in all the movies, then everyone speaks English all around the world except when they want to show the character knows a foreign language offcourse...



I really doubt you'll see a woman that says "Here Sweetie" to her dog right after a shot has been fired, several people are chasing a guy, and a crapload of furniture and whatnot just crashed to the ground all over that street.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn



Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"I never ever even noticed the sky"

Yeah, stuff like that doesn't bother me - it's fun to notice, but the first time you are too concentrated on the plot (well..) and the fights to notice such details, unless you just happen to be staring or admiring at a certain spot, and in the next scene it's completely changed. But this kind of cloud changing stuff is very common, just look at Charlie's Angels movie (the one with Lucy Liu), the first one - the motocross scene sky certainly changes it's cloud shape rapidly!

It's not like they can control the sky, so these things happen. Would be very impractical to wait until the sky is always EXACTLY THE SAME until they can continue filming, and if it's faked, it would not look as good. Besides, who cares - so it's sky in a movie Universe. Who is to say that in that Universe, sky couldn't change so quickly?

What bothers me is when a characer is SAID to be something, and then SHOWN to be quite the opposite. "Only the Imperial Stormtroopers could be this accurate" - Obi-Wan actually says something like this in Star Wars! I mean, the 'accuracy' is the recognizing factor, that's HOW he knows it was the Imperium!

Things that break the immersion and the illusion really bother me, but a changing sky - it's a minor detail, and it doesn't affect those things much.

But there are some dumb moments that sort of bother me a little bit.

Jackie using a sharp, metal bracelet to break a thick glass?

Sure, it would work, if he had something like a wooden HANDLE to use, but which do you think is softer - hand or glass? Which would the small needle-like bracelet parts rip apart first, if he did something like that? The result wouldn't be broken glass, the result would be broken hand, because those needles would just go through his hand, and the glass would be only scratched at best!

That's what so stupid about that part - it would never work with just plain hand - put some kind of metal protection for your hand or SOMETHING - then the principle of concentrated force might work! Sheesh!

I also wonder about the truck scene - it looks a bit fake, when he's sliding - but then it looks like a real truck when the camera angle changes. It even reflects Jackie then, although it doesn't previously (though it's hard to see with all the motion blur etc.)

But that's probably explained somewhere, I have just forgotten.

It's not a good movie, but as far as Jackie Chan movies go, some of it is pretty watchable, and the fight scenes are of course superb! Too bad the original Taekwondo-guy couldn't do his scenes, and they had to use that smaller stuntman. Would've been interesting to see.

The movie also has a nice atmosphere that adds to the viewing experience.


Hi trevormoses, I know this is an old post, but I noticed no one else has corrected you. The number plates on the cars are indeed South African (the T stands for Transvaal), however, the reason for that is because that part of the movie is set in South Africa. They then work out the clue and the movie shifts to Rotterdam as that is where the clue takes them.
The car chase begins in Sun City, North West of Pretoria / Jo'burg and ends in The Fort Klapperkop monument, also near Pretoria. My new claim to fame is that last Sunday I was standing on the same spot as JC when he cries out "who am I?". How sad is that!!!!

You forget all the things, you just do it!


I don't think Jackie should be punish because the Ron guy couldn't do the footin the way Jackie said to(and yes, I seen the documentary as well.) Jackie is the Chorographer and probably visioned something that Ron could do, so he got a stunt double to do it instead. That is how making movies goes.

As for continuity, almost every movie has continuity problems. Spiderman 1, Spiderman 2, Matrix reloaded, etc... It just can't be helped.


The sky changed because that Ron guy was struggling with the footwork, and there were a lot of interruptions and delays.


continuity is always messed up with Jackie Chan films. I remember seeing mountain ranges and palm trees in "Rumble in the Bronx." At the end of "First Strike" Jackie Chan is in the Aquarium(??) soaking wet, but when he's outside, he's completely dry. I love Jackie Chan movie, but not for cinematic purposes, but for entertainment. If anything ruined this film was the acting of Christine Stark, the undercover agent. Worst acting ever!!


ah!!! come on! she wasn't even a real star. Jackie just got impressed by her, when she was interviewing him. It's in her profile, her only movie has been this one.


The best part of any Jackie Chan movie is in Rumble in the Bronx when the ice cream truck is in the park and the guy says, "Ice cream! Ice cream! Get your ice cream!" and then someone comes up to the truck and says, "Ice cream please!" and puts down some money and the guy reaches into the truck and pulls out a nice piled cone in one second and gives it to the person, "Here's your ice cream!"

If you really watch that's so funny. No flavor, size, price, anything. Just, "ice cream please" and "here's your ice cream". I recommend you check it out.


that michelle ferre girl is that dyed blonde hair of hers. Her ethnicity I think is half french half jap, and like she's still only 32 years old, her life is just starting. Anyway, I thought she did very well, i mean who needs a b*tch worth millions when you can just get someone as sweet as her for just thousands. Someone told me she was a news correspondent in Japan, and also a game hostess before she acted in her one & only movie.


your supposed to watch the movie for the fights not for the ADR or acting(which sucked but i didnt really care) the fights were very good and not worthy of a PG-13 rating either. I highly recommend this movie.





Everything happends so quik when they bring brad allen in there. If you never seen the jackie chan my stunts you would never know he doubled for him.


moviemakers in hong kong don't have the hollywood budget for movies, and besides hollywood movies also have continuity in them. What makes hollywood so special.


Yeah, sometimes the weather changes quickly in these parts ...

(and when you're JC the scenery may change just as quickly - from Sun City to Johannesburg to Pretoria to Cape Town and so on at times.)
