"I never ever even noticed the sky"
Yeah, stuff like that doesn't bother me - it's fun to notice, but the first time you are too concentrated on the plot (well..) and the fights to notice such details, unless you just happen to be staring or admiring at a certain spot, and in the next scene it's completely changed. But this kind of cloud changing stuff is very common, just look at Charlie's Angels movie (the one with Lucy Liu), the first one - the motocross scene sky certainly changes it's cloud shape rapidly!
It's not like they can control the sky, so these things happen. Would be very impractical to wait until the sky is always EXACTLY THE SAME until they can continue filming, and if it's faked, it would not look as good. Besides, who cares - so it's sky in a movie Universe. Who is to say that in that Universe, sky couldn't change so quickly?
What bothers me is when a characer is SAID to be something, and then SHOWN to be quite the opposite. "Only the Imperial Stormtroopers could be this accurate" - Obi-Wan actually says something like this in Star Wars! I mean, the 'accuracy' is the recognizing factor, that's HOW he knows it was the Imperium!
Things that break the immersion and the illusion really bother me, but a changing sky - it's a minor detail, and it doesn't affect those things much.
But there are some dumb moments that sort of bother me a little bit.
Jackie using a sharp, metal bracelet to break a thick glass?
Sure, it would work, if he had something like a wooden HANDLE to use, but which do you think is softer - hand or glass? Which would the small needle-like bracelet parts rip apart first, if he did something like that? The result wouldn't be broken glass, the result would be broken hand, because those needles would just go through his hand, and the glass would be only scratched at best!
That's what so stupid about that part - it would never work with just plain hand - put some kind of metal protection for your hand or SOMETHING - then the principle of concentrated force might work! Sheesh!
I also wonder about the truck scene - it looks a bit fake, when he's sliding - but then it looks like a real truck when the camera angle changes. It even reflects Jackie then, although it doesn't previously (though it's hard to see with all the motion blur etc.)
But that's probably explained somewhere, I have just forgotten.
It's not a good movie, but as far as Jackie Chan movies go, some of it is pretty watchable, and the fight scenes are of course superb! Too bad the original Taekwondo-guy couldn't do his scenes, and they had to use that smaller stuntman. Would've been interesting to see.
The movie also has a nice atmosphere that adds to the viewing experience.