Retarded little Jalapeño go-cart at teh end
What was the point of this ? Product placement or a vague statement about environmental responsibility that sometimes pervades Chan's movies.
shareWhat was the point of this ? Product placement or a vague statement about environmental responsibility that sometimes pervades Chan's movies.
shareprobably a little of both
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Yes. Go rent one and drive it around the city streets and tell me what kinda reactions you get.
shareThat might have been the slowest reply in the history of mankind. Turn on email notifications.
Sad story. You got a smoke?
I thought it showed some quirks, I guess the chauvinistic side of me thought it was okay since the female agent drove it whereas if she pulled over in an all black vehicle and rolled the window down it would've' just been generic.
Reported for doody.