Consider for a second that the OP is from a non English speaking Country and may not even speak English as their primary language and is still learning how to. You ever think of that genius?
You're smart avortac. Keep telling yourself that, OK buddy? No one understands or appreciates your vast amount of knowledge. Everyone pales in comparison to your almighty intellect. You truly are a genius. Such a special shining star.
U so Smartz.
LOL You must be real fun at parties. Must be fun to hang around a person who berates and judges others for such trivial matters. Your holier than thou attitude truly is attractive and pleasant. Is this the attitude you display to others in social settings? Or just online behind your keyboard? I feel sorry for anyone that has to put up with such an uptight cynic like you.
You're the type of person that would get hostile on someone and go on a ten minute rant about small and trivial things that no one cares about. A Killjoy.
A Buzz Kill. And this was all for a small sentence on an internet forum. How petty. Can't imagine whats it's like having a conversation with you in real life.
Now go ahead and take your sweet time writing up your response. I will be ignoring it just like I ignore that one weird guy that constantly lets the air out of the room with his cynicism and hostile personality (Hint: That's you.)