was this a live cartoon show?

I seem to remember this show being a picture cartoon show...where we just saw pictures and no movement on the screen?? am I thinking of something else...I remember something about a lake being covered with oil or something and someone being captured!! The show came out when I was like 4 so I dont remember much!!


Those Golden Book videos had a She-Ra Cartoon where the characters were for the most part immobile. I don't remember the whole storyline but Hordak had kidnapped Glimmer and She-Ra saved her, I watched it once but never watch it again, the animation was crappy. I can't find it on youtube.


Okay I found a Golden book He-Man with the same still animation...

I'll post the She-Ra if I find it. Oh and they call it comic book animation.

Ignorance has no end.


Thanks...that is exactly what I was talking about...if you ever come across a copy of the golden book video let me know...

[email protected]
